The Prevent Duty Guidance: Detailed exploration of the Prevent strategy, its implementation, and the role of healthcare professionals
Vulnerability Factors: Understanding the social, psychological, and personal circumstances that can increase an individual's susceptibility to radicalisation
Indicators of Radicalisation: Recognising the signs of radicalisation, including changes in behaviour, attitudes, and online activities
Responding to Concerns: Clear guidance on how to respond to concerns about potential radicalisation, including referral pathways and support services
Safeguarding and Information Sharing: Understanding your responsibilities in safeguarding vulnerable individuals and the legal and ethical considerations surrounding information sharing
Online Radicalisation: Awareness of the risks of online radicalisation and strategies for promoting online safety
Channel Programme: Introduction to the Channel programme, a multi-agency approach to supporting individuals at risk of radicalisation
British Values: Understanding the importance of promoting fundamental British values in countering extremist ideologies